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Clouds in Sky

Swan Egg Stories

Swan egg stories was created by children's book author K M Edmed and illustrator Jane Swannell in 2022 to follow their dreams of publishing children's picture books. With a lot of hard work, dedication and learning they released their first self published book 'Nanny V', a witty but heart warming, rhyming tale about the adventurous life of a legendary Grandma .


We are excited to announce that they are currently working on their next book!

We will keep you updated with a release date.

We look forward to meeting you all as you follow us on this exciting new journey!


from The whole team @

Swanegg Stories x


Don't forget to check out our new  'Nanny V' limited edition merchandise that you won't find on the high street.


The Nanny V collection
Available to order now!!         
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